Thursday, December 17, 2015

Funny 1st World Dilemmas (part II)

Continuing with this hilarious but embarrassing situations that stress most of us these days, we continue our list of annoying things of these technology driven world. 

#5: Too Hot Outside, But Freezing Inside

This is a common problem people face on a scorching summer day. It’s so hot outside that you feel like the sun may literally set your body on fire. It’s so cold inside, though, that you feel like bundling up in a winter jacket. The world around you is like a hot pocket. It’s either burning or freezing, but never just right. No matter how articulately you adjust the thermostat you can’t seem to achieve a balanced temperature. So you just have to pick your poison: Hot or cold.

#4: Nothing to Watch on TV

Sitting around on the couch in the middle of the day isn’t complete without the television playing. But what if there’s nothing good currently on, the DVR is empty, and you’ve already streamed everything on Netflix? You could go outside…no, no that’s crazy talk. It’s best to just remain situated and keep channel surfing until something sparks your fancy. Staring at the screen and pressing the remote button sure is exhausting, though. Maybe there’ll be something worth watching after a quick catnap. If not, then may god help us all.

#3: Starbucks Problems

As much as we love to start off the day with a caffeinated beverage from Starbucks, this establishment serves up many of the same problems as other coffeehouses. To begin, will they ever perfect the ratio of ice to coffee in their ice coffees? At least a cup full of ice is better than waiting for scolding hot coffee to cool down to room temperature. Oh, and you wouldn’t believe the chaos that ensues when they get a customer’s name wrong. We don’t pay a premium price for such substandard service!

#2: Forgetting Phone Charger

Misplacing your phone is one thing, but forgetting your phone charger can make one feel like an even bigger bonehead. Now you’re going to have to ration the battery all day long. As hard as you try to conserve power, however, the phone will go from 100% charged to 10% in the blink of an eye. You can also count on the phone giving out at the worst possible time, be it before responding to a crucial text message or in the middle of a game of “Candy Crush.”

#1: Internet Is Out

While humankind might have survived without the Internet for almost two millennia, these days we refuse to live another day without tweeting, selling possessions on eBay, and bingeing on WatchMojo Top 10s. If your Internet goes out, you’ll be lucky if all you have to do is reboot the router. Worst-case scenario: You’ll spend several hours on the phone with customer service and several more hours waiting for a technician to come to the house. And you want to know what the most frustrating part is? You can’t pass the time by checking Facebook! 

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