Saturday, December 5, 2015

Landfills of the World

This post would be dedicated to the question of how is our waste handled.
Once we have taken out our trash, we often forget that it all has to go somewhere. But not many of us know exactly where it goes, nor do we usually think about it. The Life Cycle of Garbage shows what happens to your trash once it leaves your home, to give you an idea of where it ends up and how much of it there really is.

The Life Cycle begins at your house.

Your kitchen trash can fills up

You take the garbage out
And the garbage man comes to take it. 
But what happens next?

It goes to a Transfer Station
A transfer station is where local trash is taken and dumped before it is transferred to its final destination. The final destinations could be: 
A landfill where the waste is buried and left to decompose, a process which takes hundreds of years. 
An incinerator where the garbage is burned and turns into ash. Sometimes used to generate energy. 
Or a Recycling Center where it will be transferred to a manufacturing plant so these materials can be used to make new products. 

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